Beauty Sleep

Sleep Apnea Syndrome is one of the most talked about medical conditions today.  What is it? And, why am I, a dentist, talking about it too?

Here are some the symptoms of Sleep Apnea:

EDS (excessive daytime somnolence):  being sleepy during the day.
Witnessed apneas (breathing stops)
Irregular breathing during sleep
Impaired memory
Impaired concentration
Feeling of clumsiness
Morning headaches
Mood changes, such as irritability and sadness
Sexual dysfunction

Here are some of the associated risks of Sleep Apnea:

Hypertension (high blood pressure)
CHF (Congestive Heart Failure)
Traffic Accidents (from sudden onset of sleep)

New associations are being uncovered daily.

The reason I’m talking about this is because there’s a huge oral component to Sleep Apnea as well.   In fact, your dentist might be the first one to recognize it and talk to you about it.  I send people for sleep studies all the time when I suspect it.

You Dentist can also be part of the cure.  A good deal of Sleep Apnea is cause by airway problems.   Something might be blocking air from getting into your lungs.   It can be nasal, it can be oral or it can be in your throat (pharyngeal).

If the problem is in your mouth, such as your tongue, an appliance that repositions your tongue might be of help.

Don’t ignore the problem.   70% of people who snore have some form of sleep apnea.  Your dentist might be able to help.

To your health and wellness,

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