1. Green Tea: Reduces the number of bad-breath causing bacteria. Flavinoids in green tea work with the germ-fighting compounds in toothpaste and mouthwash boosting their effectiveness, thereby helping fight viruses and cavities.
2. Black Tea: Studies found a reduction in the risk of developing Oral Cancer.
3. Cranberry Juice: Helps prevent plaque formation on teeth and reduces the growth of oral pathogens.
4. Raisins: Phytochemicals in raisins and seedless grapes help slow the growth of bacterial associated with cavities and gum disease.
5. Dark Chocolate: If it contains at least 60-70% cocoa solids and no milk or hydrogenated oils, have polyphenols and flavinoids and tannins that have anti-bacterial effect, decreasing decay and improving gum health.
6. Water: The pH of water varies greatly and waters of pH 7 or higher are better as they counteract acids that produce decay.
7. Cheese, Chicken, Meat, Nuts and Milk: All provide calcium and phosphorous needed to remineralize teeth. Remember that milk also contains milk sugars that can be harmful, especially if given to a child before bedtime.
8. Berries, Oranges, Cantaloupe Broccoli and Spinach: All contain Vitamin C, a powerful anti-oxidant that helps maintain healthy gums. Eat acidic foods with caution and brush, floss and rinse afterwards to decrease their decay-promoting effect.